Hiren Ponkia

Three New Exploratory SEO Tactics

The world of Search Engine Optimization is always changing and, even though things like reputation management has been essential, the Internet is an evolving thing. The online world has changed the face of business forever, whether for good or bad, and there are several new exploratory tactics that may prove mainstay for online sites to stay competitive in the coming years. Here’s a list of three of those tactics that may prove useful to you or your business’ site.


This is a new way of coding that’s proved to be cleaner and gives designers the ability to do things that HTML4 and CSS couldn’t do in the past. This new approach is evolving the way web sites are designed, crawled, and used by people. It’s become increasingly apparent that Flash and other code systems have gone the way of the dinosaur and HTML has come out on top. There are many new elements to HTML5 that are enhancing the way users experience and interface with content. It’s possible that this new coding system will improve the way sites are rated and ranked.

A/B Testing:

Some have found A/B Testing very useful in improving their site’s exposure. Most everyone else plain and simply doesn’t know what it means. It works as follows:

If you’re a company this is easily done. All you have to do is go to a university and offer credits and experience for the time they work. In some cases, but rarely, you’ll have to pay them a hourly wage but you should get someone to begin this process because it is time consuming but will prove highly effectual. Start by getting them to put together tests and collect data.

The data you need them to compile is information that you can get from sites like Google Website Optimizer where you track everything that’s coming into your site. It automates much of the work but you’ll still need someone (Intern) to keep track of it all. These are usually designed for marketers and will offer you helpful information on what’s working with your site and what isn’t. Think of it as testing the waters and getting to know your audience better.


This is a form of localized search marketing. Though the web has drafted the architecture for a global community, it’s still important to understand the world in a localized way. Through understanding specific communities better you’ll better your understanding of demographics and trends in an ever-changing world. An increasing number of niche markets open up every day and there simply isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach anymore. Through mixing natural search results with local outranking results, you can better integrate the two. It looks natural and exposes users to a wider range of content options.

The three options listed are either up and coming or are currently becoming major cornerstone approaches in the world of SEO and search marketing. Each option has proved to have a clear impact on optimization, traffic, and other conversations. All three are worth looking into. Some might prove more useful to your specific needs over others but it’s always good to keep abreast of evolutions in the field.